About Us

The Open Road Project exists to spread kindness and meet the needs of strangers. We travel in a 1979 GMC Vanguard named Lily. These are our stories.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A scrap of paper

Flash back to the beginning of the year. First year at Laurier,

It seems as if it was SO long ago, yet also as if it was just yesterday. im sure you know the phenomenon i'm talking about. Just think back to any great memory in your life. and you'll know what im talking about.

Specifically, Im reminded of a time during the first month of school. After being hired as an SLP (student leadership position- jer was one too in his first year) i was chosen to be on the Residence Athletic Council, known as RAC to most. During our first meeting as we were just all getting to know each other, we were asked to write down a brief list of goals for our year.
Recently, i just found this list in a pile of random papers.

Goal #1. dont flunk out of BBA.
Goal #3. see if cute girls like me.
Goal #4. Play lots of basketball and WIN the RAC hampionship
Goal #5. Have lots of friends.
Goal #6. Get away with some mild shenanigans.
and if you can recall back to the post Live The Dream, it will make sense this meeting occurd shortly after the discovery of "the letter", so the last and final goal, which somwhat emcompasses them all was:
Goal #7. Live the Dream.

so after finding these seven scribbled and sloppy goals jotted down on a piece of scrap paper in my room, i couldnt help imagining how useless of an exercise i probably thought it was to write out personal goals for the year.
due to my lackluster sribbles and complete disregard for this list, which only BY CHANCE turned up, this evidence only corfirms my suspisions. i probably did think it was stupid to do something like this. But, reading it now- im way to glad that i did.

goals #1-2, surpassed beyond my expectations. while #'s 4-7 not only were accomplished, but done with style along side some fantastic friends.

now, there is that phenomenon again, it's really only been about 8 months since i've met most of these people. but it feels as if we've been friends for years. you know what i mean?

and you know who you are.

1 comment:

  1. I am clueless. I do know that purchasing hair clips would be cheaper and work better. If you want something that looks different, glue paper to those.
