About Us

The Open Road Project exists to spread kindness and meet the needs of strangers. We travel in a 1979 GMC Vanguard named Lily. These are our stories.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

By The Numbers

10,271km : Total distance traveled
19 : Number of sunglasses in our collection
$2,417.37: Dollars spent on repairs
11: Number of Value Villages experienced
$1.49: Highest price paid per liter of fuel
$1.12: Lowest price paid per liter of fuel
120 : Litres per tank of fuel
51ft: Distance worth of Subway subs consumed
4: How many times we stalled on a mountain slope
$239: Amount Adam Epp spent on ostrich products
2,658 : Estimated number of pretzels in our 2kg bag
883 : Number of weeds pulled from gardens
$1000: Number of Dollars won for daring antics
$140: Amount of money in Jamie's wallet when he lost it
0: Amount of money in Jamie's wallet when it was returned the next day
$12.95: Cost of our cheapest, most disgusting meal at a pitstop in Montana (fed the 5)
8: Number of nights spent in Wal-Mart parking lots
0: Number of speeding tickets or negative interactions with "the man" (possibly the most surprising number of the entire trip)
15: Number of provinces/states we visited
1: Number of mountains climbed
2: Number of "physical" challenges
1:1: Ratio of tanks of fuel to quarts of oil consumed.
20: Number of mechanical/structural parts that broke on Lily
95%: Percentage of time that at least one of us was shirtless
50/50: Chance that Lily would start on the first try

1: Trip of a lifetime

Cheers, The Boys

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