About Us

The Open Road Project exists to spread kindness and meet the needs of strangers. We travel in a 1979 GMC Vanguard named Lily. These are our stories.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Finding Prince Edward

Since New Brunswick had been a pretty serious bust, we decided to make the couple hours drive to Prince Edward Island that same day. Jordan remembered that his mom had a friend in PEI, and decided to give her a call. Needless to say, by the time we reached Confederation Bridge (rumoured among most Canadians to be the longest bridge in the world) Jordan's mom called back with some great news.

We seriously hit the jackpot, thanks to the Mackay's farmer MacDonald for letting us stay at their ocean side cottage while we were on the island. Talk about Atlantic Canadian hospitality! Our directions were as follows: "Turn left off the bridge, then you're gonna wanna head down the road until it turns to red dirt, then it's the blue cottage on the ocean."

When we arrived, we were ecstatic. We had such a beautiful place to ourselves and were very excited to meet farmer MacDonald in the morning.

After a great night chatting and a quick dip in the brisk ocean, we went to bed to prepare for the inevitable island exploration that would take place the next day.

Last year when we were passing through Thunder Bay, we picked up a hitchhiker who claimed to be the original Bob the Builder. So naturally we were very happy to meet another childhood hero, Old MacDonald who had a farm, this year.

When we woke up, farmer MacDonald gave us a warm island greeting and we asked him if we could help him on his potato farm. First of all, what a great man. He was so cheerful and welcoming and he made us feel right at home. After we chatted about our adventures, our occupations and our hobbies, he basically told us that it was a cold day and that we shouldn't have to work today. We should just enjoy our time on the island and eat lobster.

Wait what? Do nothing and just live in this beautiful cottage?

A few times now, people have shown so much kindness towards us that our best response is just to accept. So feeling blessed, we headed to Charlottetown, in search of the Prince.

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