Just as we reached the city we all heard it happen: the gutwrenching crunch of metal and seizing of engine belts. We looked at Josh, he stepped on the gas and nothing happened…
Uh oh.
We puttered our whimpering RV to a familiar site, a Value Village parking lot where we could deal with our problem. The issue was clearly transmission related, but how in this big new city, with a vehicle that wont gear up, were we going to get our RV to a transmission shop on the eve of a long weekend?
So we prayed.
And we looked around.
Coincidentally, the auto park that was directly behind us had a transmission specialist. Could prayers really be answered so quickly?
So we brought her over for a $50 dollar look and regrettably, our man George did not have any good news for us. The transmission was completely shot and on the eve of the long weekend everyone would be shut until Tuesday. Thankfully for us George was a nice and generous man. He had Buick tranny on the shelf and if his mechanics would agree to work late Friday night and even come in on Saturday of their long weekend, he could have us back on the road by Saturday afternoon. What a blesing! However, there were still two obstacles that needed facing. 1. What were we going to do tonight if our home is in the shop? 2: It was going to set us back about 157 887 pennies.
Jeremy’s cousin Becky and her husband Paul more than solved our first problem. We took public transit to their neighborhood where Becky picked us up brought us home. They forced us to eat a nice dinner, relax in their great home and sleep in real beds. They had to leave for a wedding the next day so they even let us sleep in, eat breakfast and stay alone in their home until we felt good and ready to leave. Imagine that! A cousin and four complete strangers and they trusted us to stay alone in their house. Awesome. (Small video to come)
Around Noon, the following day we got news from George that our vehicle/home would be finished shortly so we packed up and trained it back into the city centre. Taking a familiar exit we were on the hunt for Subway when we stumbled across a HUGE MCC thrift shop. Walking up to the back doors (only because we mistook them for the front) we were met by John a volunteer at the store that jokingly ask us if we were be there to help. We kind of caught him by surprised when we consented and said we’d love to help out (he later confessed to us that we looked like intimidating roughiens as we approached with our big packs).
Our short stay volunteering at MCC was GREAT. We repaired furniture, priced items, brought them to the show room floor, accepted deliveries, helped load sold goods, the list goes on. It really felt like we were back in our garage sale days. Like clockwork, once we snapped a pic with the MCC fam, we got the call from George and it was time to move on.
From Calgary we headed back east to Strathmore for the next part of our journey.
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